Monday, April 16, 2012

Paintin' up a storm!

It's a rainy morning in April, taxes done and a great day to regroup.  Since returning from Puerto Rico for the second year with a group of painting buddies, I've had a fire in my belly to paint!  It was such fun to paint with friends who are such accomplished painters.  And we've made new friends down there from the East End Art Guild in Luquillo, Puerto Rico.  One of the days we painted at a luxury resort and set up a show with our paintings at a champagne reception in their amazing lobby.  Another evening we had a reception to show our art work from the whole week - it was just a great time and fun to see the amazing diversity in styles.
I've attached two of my favorites from the trip.  "Peaceful Easy Feeling" was painted just outside the ancient home of Ponce de Leon in Old San Juan - it was magical with the light, shadow and color.  The other, "Such a Bond" was painted at a gorgeous horse place near Luqillo, Puerto Rico.  I loved setting up my easel, being surrounded by horses, ducks, chickens and dogs - especially one little black puppy that kept stealing my brushes!

Upcoming events:

May 5 and 6th from 10 till 5 each day - open studio,  Lake Minnetonka Arts Tour.
Mine is site no. 24 in Excelsior - I'll have lots of new work to show!

May 17th at Julian Design in Wayzata  on 315 Lake Street East - I will be showing all originals
A reception will be held in the evening, until 8 p.m.

I have a number of new, fun jewlery creations as well - email if you want images, or we can set up a time for you to see them. 

I wish you a happy peaceful spring - filled with laughter and beauty!



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