Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Morning at the Hacienda"

Hola - here's another plein air painting done in Puerto Rico - it was at a fabulous horse ranch there - so why am I painting the library entrance?  Hope you're enjoying this gorgeous spring!   Marla

Hi There - wishing you a happy week ahead

This past weekend was the 60 Artists on 50th Art Show in Minneapolis - there were some very accomplished artists there, and I was happy to be part of the show.

I've posted a couple of my plein air oil paintings from Puerto Rico - wow, that was an inspiring place!  I hope you like them -

I'm gearing up for the Lake Minnetonka Arts Tour (lakemntkaartstour.com) that takes place at the end of this month and May 1.  It's always a fun event for me - I love the people energy!

Best to you,  Marla

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hiya - Wishing you a happy week ahead

I just finished the first spring art show, 60 Artists on 50th - It was a very impressive group of accomplished artists - in all disciplines.  I was happy to be part of it! 

I just posted one of the plein air paintings I did in Puerto Rico this winter.  This was painted in oils on the beach at Mounabo, on the south eastern coast of the island.   It is titled "Chillin in the Warmth of the Sun"  - I think it has a very serene feeling to it.  It is just a quiet, intimate scene with the couple enjoying the moment, and each other.  I'm painting up a storm these days and enjoying every minute. 

Hope all is well with you and that you're enjoying the "teasers" of warm weather that we're getting. 

Best, Marla