Tuesday, October 22, 2013

G'd Morning, yesterday a few of my artist friends and I decided our date for the
6th annual Artful Friends Holiday Sale will be November 16 from 10-4 in Excelsior.
It's a talented and fun bunch of artists and the selection of original creations will be impressive!
I hope you can join us, ginger cookies, mulled cider  - and good cheer -  Marla

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Storytelling might be in my DNA - but blogging, not so much.  Something about these rainy days though, makes me want to communicate.
I hope your summer was great and your fall is going well too.  Why is it such a shock every year when the temperatures dip and it's time to winterize.
I've been painting up a storm these days and would like to share a new one that has kind of a dreamy feel to it.  It's called 'All's Well' people gathered together, interacting  - they are outdoors amidst towering trees, which in a sense gives kind of a cosmic view.   It goes back to something I really believe, and that is we are all interconnected and we are at our best when we are unified.
I will attach an image of it here.
In the past week I've had 8 of my paintings hung at the Epiphany Gallery, part of Mt. Calvary Church in Excelsior.  I'm delighted to be part of the show which is entitled 'Never be the Same'. 
It is a beautiful display of paintings by 7 artists, which juxtaposes representational art (Impressionism) with abstract art.  The show will be up until November 8, please stop and take a look, it's quite impressive. 

I also plan to be part of the 'Achieving a Healthy Balance' conference on Nov. 2 at the Oakridge Conference Center in Chaska.  I'm collaborating with some artist friends to do another holiday art sale together, which is likely be November 23 in Excelsior. 
Another fun sale that I will be part of, is the Cottagewood General Store boutique sale on Dec. 12 and 13 in of course, Cottagewood.

I wish you all the best this Fall - and I promise to be better about blogging!