Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Oh, I meant to mention the Art Show at the Commons, an Uncommon Workplace this Sunday, the 25th from 3 to 5.  The "Commons" (not the park area, but a shared office space building) just behind the post office in Excelsior will be the venue.  It will showcase artwork of the participating artists in the Lake Minnetonka Studio Tour which will be held May 2 and 3rd.  Come by Sunday - I'd love to say Hi to you - and of course you are always welcome to come by my own gallery - I've got a whole lot to look at these days! 
Best, Marla

Hi - hope your New Year is going very well.  I've been busy painting up a storm and starting a new business!  I've wanted to share my love for art all my life and I've found a wonderful way to do that. It's fun, creative, non-judging and taps into wonderful group energy playing together!  It is called Art Via Vino.  It combines my love for art, people and wine ;0 } !   I've had about 12 Art Via Vino events so far and am just loving it.  Check it out, the website is www.ArtViaVino.com

I am also launching a corporate sister venture which is called Art on Purpose - it will have the  same upbeat, non judging, creative flavor, but will focus a little more on team building and collaborating.  Alcohol will be optional for both Art Via Vino and Art on Purpose.  Please check it out on the website or on facebook. 

I'm so enthused about doing these events! You'll have a selection of 18 paintings to paint - or your very own idea if it's a private party -  all materials and an apron will be provided, wine or beer will be available as well as appetizers.  I have them at various locations around Lake Minnetonka, depending on the group size.  I gladly do house parties, and in the case of a corporate group, we can do them on or off site.  I have gift certificates available, which is a very fun and unique gift....I'm thinking a Valentines event would be fun...
Take good care - best to you, Marla

Monday, April 28, 2014

Good Mornin' something about a rainy morning reminds me to blog..
This weekend is the Lake Minnetonka Studio Tour.  I have a wonderful
guest Ria Neilson who is a very accomplished glass artist.
I have a whole lot of new art and notecards to show.   It'll be a fun
weekend, please come by if you can!  Meanwhile, happy diem....

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

G'd Morning, yesterday a few of my artist friends and I decided our date for the
6th annual Artful Friends Holiday Sale will be November 16 from 10-4 in Excelsior.
It's a talented and fun bunch of artists and the selection of original creations will be impressive!
I hope you can join us, ginger cookies, mulled cider  - and good cheer -  Marla

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Storytelling might be in my DNA - but blogging, not so much.  Something about these rainy days though, makes me want to communicate.
I hope your summer was great and your fall is going well too.  Why is it such a shock every year when the temperatures dip and it's time to winterize.
I've been painting up a storm these days and would like to share a new one that has kind of a dreamy feel to it.  It's called 'All's Well' people gathered together, interacting  - they are outdoors amidst towering trees, which in a sense gives kind of a cosmic view.   It goes back to something I really believe, and that is we are all interconnected and we are at our best when we are unified.
I will attach an image of it here.
In the past week I've had 8 of my paintings hung at the Epiphany Gallery, part of Mt. Calvary Church in Excelsior.  I'm delighted to be part of the show which is entitled 'Never be the Same'. 
It is a beautiful display of paintings by 7 artists, which juxtaposes representational art (Impressionism) with abstract art.  The show will be up until November 8, please stop and take a look, it's quite impressive. 

I also plan to be part of the 'Achieving a Healthy Balance' conference on Nov. 2 at the Oakridge Conference Center in Chaska.  I'm collaborating with some artist friends to do another holiday art sale together, which is likely be November 23 in Excelsior. 
Another fun sale that I will be part of, is the Cottagewood General Store boutique sale on Dec. 12 and 13 in of course, Cottagewood.

I wish you all the best this Fall - and I promise to be better about blogging!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Ahh....the first day of Spring and the sights and sounds of snow plows ringing in my ears......
I hope you're doing well   - it has been a while since I've blogged but I have been diligent about creating - lots of new paintings, mostly plein air, done on site.  I recently made a trip with my painting buddies to Puerto Rico and was so refreshed by the vibrant colors and leisure ambiance of Latin America.  I will post an image of one of my favorites this winter, 'Harmony'.

Along with lots of painting, I've been creating jewelry.  Maybe because of being surrounded by snow for months, I've been really enjoying putting colors together in some new combinations along with lots of textures.  I will post an image of a necklace that has the chunky and funky look.

I'm getting ready to open my studio as one of the 8 sites of the Lake Minnetonka Studio Tour - to be held on Sat. and Sun., May 4 and 5 from 10-6p.m.  There will be 22 accomplished artists involved. The link to the website where the map and brochure is available is: www.LakeMntka-StudioTour.com

I will have original and giclees of oil paintings, framed and unframed, notecards and of course, lots of jewelry.  I hope you can come by.   If you would like to come by my gallery at another time, email me at marlamullaneyart@yahoo.com  I would welcome your visit.

Thanks and enjoy your 1st day of Spring - and every one of those 4 degrees! 